(West Salem, WI) – Are you ready for racing season? The shortened winter has many race fans and racers talking about the season already… and March has just started!
The season opens in just six weeks, and pre-season activities accelerate up to speed for the LaCrosse Speedway staff and race teams.
While race teams are busy re-building, painting and freshening their cars for the new season, LaCrosse Speedway related events will take place in coming weeks. This weekend, come out and visit the Speedway representatives at their display during the Custom Auto Show. The show will take place at the LaCrosse Center Arena, in downtown LaCrosse.
The following weekend, area residents can visit and get a copy of the 2016 schedule at the Celebrate West Salem Business Expo, on Sunday March 20th. The event will be from 11am-3pm at the West Salem High School Gymnasium.
After a week off for the Easter Holiday, we’ll be back at it again on April 1st. Fans can check out new cars for the 2016 season at the Valley View Mall. The 2016 preview car show will take place Friday, April 1st through Sunday April 3
rd. Sunday April 3rd will also be a busy day for race teams, as the 2016 Driver Orientation Meeting will occur at the Fox Hollow Golf Course Banquet Hall at 1:00 p.m.
The snow is gone, the track is clear, and interested race teams may now rent the track for testing. Please call the office at 608-786-1525 to schedule a day and time. The long range weather forecast looks to be conducive for early spring testing.